10K Birds August '20


This is information about In Real Life theatrical/musical experiences

Alan Pierson and Alarm Will Sound workshopping Paper Pianos by Mary Kouyoumdjian

Dear Every Body,

The subject is correct. Live Performance attended by a live audience happening tomorrow (Thursday) and Friday 08.06 + 08.07 in this year of Covid19 2020. 

Writing from PS21 (on land of the Mohican) in Chatham, NY - about 20 minutes Northeast of Hudson, NY. 

Here with Alan Pierson and the wildly talented musicians of Alarm Will Sound working on their production of John Luther Adams's Ten Thousand Birds. One of the adaptations is for an open-air pavilion setting which can safely allow audience members and musicians to corporeally share this experience. Additionally, I'm designing and directing an ambulatory work on the grounds of the space entitled Follow me into the Fields. This work disperses performers along acres of trails marked by 10' tall, sky-blue pillars adorned with bird flight, a few frogs and access to calls and images. The invitation is to allow audience members to listen with their entire bodies and assemble sonic compositions of their individual making organized through their perception of the interplay of nature, musician, and documented artifacts.

While I'm a major advocate for the live cyberworks that are being created and developed these days and continue to encourage anyone interested to pursue the furthering of this burgeoning form (I have a few more of these in the works. Go cyberformance! It's real, it's safe, it's live, there's a way to fund it: figure it out. Real arts lovers support safe cyberart - see below for access to ZoomOSC...) it is pretty thrilling to be talking to people about how bodies will move through time and space. Working on irl performance when the opportunity arises feels more necessary than ever. The portrait shot and all that it frames has been hyper active these last few months while the rest of the self has been in a freeze-frame. Inviting audience and artists to gather - to put their bodies on the line - is a big ask. And I am grateful and inspired by how Alarm and PS21 are diligently working to ensure that everyone is and feels safe. Perceiving this security is paramount. Only when the gathered see that the rule of 6' is being observed and that everyone around them has assembled en masque can the artist enter the flow of creative performance and the audience become an open receiver able to "see better" the world around them - their molecules altered.

So here's to more of that. Here's to the future of the form which includes the integration of all that we're learning. And here's to supporting each other and demanding that our society respects and truly supports our artists in all their disciplines, lineages, experiences as we continue to forge a democratic ideal and the soul-deepening opportunities we create with every work we make.

Information about each of these performances below. 

If you're unable to make it irl but want to check out Follow me... I will be streaming a version on ig live: @tatatime_ on Thursday 8/6 @ 18.00 est

And the Gala performance of Ten Thousand Birds will be streamed live on PS21s Facebook page on Friday 8/7 @ 19.00 est 

Keep reading beyond information about this week's performance for links to works by a few other artists who's work can be experienced right now as well as a project I'm making with some incredible collaborators over the next few months.



08.06.20 @ 18.00 eastern

On-Site + In-Person

At PS21

Meet at Crellin Park

2940 Route 66

Chatham, NY 12037

And streaming on IG live @tatatime_


08.07.20 @ 16.00 eastern

On-Site + In-Person

At PS21

2980 Route 66

Chatham, NY 12037



@ 19.00 eastern

as a part of PS21s Gala (in person)

and streaming via PS21s Facebook Page

TEN THOUSAND BIRDS is based on the songs of birds that are native to, or migrate through, the area in which the piece is performed. Inspired by birdsong, composer John Luther Adams connects nature and music in subtle yet profound ways. The performance, directed by conductor Alan Pierson and opera director Ashley Tata, transforms PS21’s open-air setting; as the birdsongs become music, the entire surroundings become a performance space, blurring the lines between human creativity and natural phenomena.

“One of my greatest hopes for my music is that it may be of use. So I’m thrilled that Alan [Alan Pierson, Alarm Will Sound Artistic Director and Conductor] and the musicians of Alarm Will Sound have found such a creative use for Ten Thousand Birds. At this difficult moment, it’s more import- ant than ever for us to remember our connections with the larger-than-human world, and to celebrate the never-end- ing music of this miraculous planet that is our one and only home.”

–John Luther Adams, about this upcoming performance

John Luther Adams, Ten Thousand Birds 

Conceived and designed by Alan Pierson 

Directed by Alan Pierson with Ashley Tata 

Production design by Gavin Chuck 

Staging by Peter Ferry


John Romeri, flute

Hayley Grainger, flute 

Christa Robinson, oboe 

Marianne Gythfeldt, clarinet 

Elisabeth Stimpert, clarinets 

Michael Harley, bassoon 

Laura Weiner, horn

Tim Leopold, trumpet 

Hakeem Bilal, trombone 

Jeffrey Irving, percussion 

Eric Poland, percussion 

Matt Smallcomb, percussion 

John Orfe, piano, keyboards 

Courtney Orlando, violin 

Chris Otto, violin

Dana Kelley, viola

Jay Campbell, cello

Logan Coale, bass

Miles Brown, bass

Alan Pierson, conductor and Artistic Director

Gavin Chuck, Executive Director

Annie Toth, General Manager

Jason Varvaro, Production Manager

Peter Ferry, Assistant Director of Artistic Planning 

Chihiro Shibayama, Librarian


Elena Siyanko, Executive Director; Kelly Mackerer, Operations Director; Nina Mankin, Development Director; Kelsie Qua, Administrative Associate; Sandy Cleary, Producing Associate; Oleg Balitskiy, Lead Technician; Delia Ernst, Electrician; Connor Martin, Audio Engineer; Liz Connell, Stagehand


Kerry James Marhsall's Black and part Black Birds in America at Zwirner. Online studio visit accessed here

Theater in Quarantine
Joshua William Gelb and collaborator Katie Rose McLaughlin and guests have been creating regular works that challenge what one can do in and around the closet.
Super inspiring. Check it out. Currently being presented by Invisible Dog. Thanks, ID!

Gelsey Bell has created a sonic experience on the grounds of Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn. Maybe I'll see some of y'all here. Presented by HERE Arts Center. Thanks, HERE!

And while you're over at the HERE site - check out thingNY's A Series of Landscapes 

Promoting the good people of thingNY because I adore and am regularly inspired by each of them. And am currently collaborating with Jeff Young and Paul Pinto on their series, Motivators. This is a semi-regularly scheduled and performed program. Check the link and sign up for more info.

New Phase Collective has been formed by some cross-disciplinary makers and I'm really excited about what they have coming up. They describe the collective as "a collaboration between a people and their time." Going on: "These ten artists ranging in theatrical discipline are following the evolving truths of what performance is now, has always been, and can be in the future. This ongoing exploration exists inside a redefined landscape of collective vision, communal health, and shared performance." They have a work this weekend. I'm planning to attend the 2pm on Saturday. Maybe see you there.
Kindall Almond, Jacob Basri, Zach Blumner, Ebony Burton, Henry Nettleton, Lexx Onigbanjo, Leia Squillace, Tyler Thomas, Anton Volovsek, and Christopher Wong

For making works of Cyber:
WunderKind Andy Carluccio has started a company, Liminal Entertainment. We call him President Carluccio now. #upgrade. His program ZoomOSC which is what he coded for our production of Mad Forest is available for free via this website. As well as a bunch of other really fun toys they're madly developing. Thrilled to be in this laboratory of mad scientists. Part of my residency at Coffey Studios is built around coming up with fun theatrical problems for Andy and team to solve. I'm thrilled to have a few opportunities in educational institutions this fall to problematize. As well as a project with novelist and playwright Chana Porter which I hope to be able to share end of September. If you have other experiments in mind, holler. Let's make a combustion.

And finally
A Seed.

Myself and the following list of staggeringly talented collaborators are working on creating a Virtual Reality proof-of-concept piece that combines a physical and sonic installation with a 10-minute VR experience. Our goal is to be able to have an opening (physically distanced, en masque) in late September/early October at 153 Coffey in Red Hook, BK.

In order to help fund this work I will be making an ask. Seed planted. If you may be interested in hearing more I'm happy to share design and conceptual ideas, expound upon the vision and tell you more about why this work now. In brief: it's about Tree and the experiment is to begin to access the un-human-fathomable, apophatic, scale of time experienced by these magnificent and precious creatures. And allow us to contemplate why we should be working as hard as possible to allow these beings to do the thing they were put on this planet to do. 

If you're a person who has historically supported institutions and are wondering where the artist support has gone while the institutions try to maintain their overhead, maybe consider cutting out the middle-tution and giving directly to the artists who are making the work with or without institutional and governmental support. For now. 

Virtual Reali-Tree collaborators (yes, yes I did):

Visual/In Real and Virtual Reality Designers:
Afsoon Pajoufar + Kris Layng/Parallux

Sound Designer/Composers and Performer:
Daniel Wohl + Eliza Bagg + Sadah Espii Proctor

And myself.

So far.

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Con Alma Dec '20


The Boot July '20